He is from Native American descent, but also German and French. (His last name is German.)
(see related question)
Yes Taylor Lautner is Native American, he is Ottawa and Potawatomi to be specific. He hets it from his mothers side of the family.
He's Native American
he's native American. To be in New Moon, all of the guys that wanted to be a werewolf had to prove they had some native American hertiage in them. Which Mexicans do.. so that is a trick question?
Taylor Lautner, is Native American in the twilight movie, not Hispanic. In fact he is caucasian, just like both his parents and born in Michigan. He says he is tan all the time because he spends a lot of time in the sun.
He is French, German, and Dutch. He also has native American in him, which explains his dark coloring and facial features.He's Native American
taylor swift did NOT die! stop being so silly!
No, Taylor Lautner is not Native American.
No he is Native American and Japanese (mostly)
yes she is
He's Native American
Partly Native American, yes.
Yes he is.
Taylor Lautner mexican and native american. he is HOT
Taylor Lautner is German, French, Dutch, and Native American.
Taylor Lautners ethnicity is German, Dutch, and French
No, Taylor Lautner is of primarily European descent with some Native American ancestry, but does not have Hispanic heritage in his family background.
he's native American. To be in New Moon, all of the guys that wanted to be a werewolf had to prove they had some native American hertiage in them. Which Mexicans do.. so that is a trick question?
No, he's Caucasian. But he's part Native American.