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Q: Is Steve perry and linda perry related?
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Is Linda Perry sister of Joe perry?

no Katy perry is not related to Steve perry

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No. Steve Perry is an only child.

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Is Bradley Steven Perry is related to Steve perry from journey

Is the band perry related?

Yes. The Band Perry is made up of two brothers and one sister: Reid Perry, Neil Perry and Kimberly Perry.They are the children of Steve & Marie Perry and were all born in Jackson, MS.[For photos and information on their parents, see attached link.]NOTE: They are not related to Katy Perry or Matthew Perry.

Is Steve perry off of American idol related to the band perry?

the term 'perry' is slaNG FOR pear.

Is the Band Perry related to Steve Perry from Journey?

No, the Steve Perry who was the 80s lead singer for Journey is NOT the father of The Band Perry.But The Band Perry's father IS named Steve: He is Dr. Charles Stephen "Steve" Perry, a pediatrician originally from Moss Point, MS who now practices medicine in Greeneville, TN. Their mother is named Marie Perry.See related link for photo of The Band Perry's parents.

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Is arnel pineda Steve perry's real son?

No. They are not related.

Is bradley steven Perry related to Steve Perry?

Well, he is not related in brotherhood. He only has 3 sisters and he is the youngest.

What is Linda Perry's birthday?

Linda Perry was born on April 15, 1965.

Is The Band Perry related to Steve Perry?

No, they are not related, but they are both Protuguese and are friends. Steve has mentioned that he has called Joe to vent in the past and, in fact, a friend of mine was with Joe Perry several years ago when Steve called once, and they were speaking in Portuguese so nobody could understand what they were talking about. ;-)no

How can you contact Steve perry for a chat?

Ineed to talk to Steve perry asap Good luck! He's not online anywhere. Not sure at all when you posted this..but he's not related to Katy Perry either. (1-1-12)