Sherman Hemsley never came out as gay.
Because he never married.
Shuler Hensley is 6' 4".
No one really knows for sure the only way you would is if you saw him butt-banging another man. so when you see it for yourself that's when you'll know that sherman hemsley is gay.
Kelley Menighan Hensley was born on February 15, 1967.
Who is Sherman Hensley? Do you want to know the sexual orientation of a dead man named Sherman Hemsley? His orientation is "under 6 feet of dirt". Let it go.
Yes, his boyfriend name is Olly Marmon.
Actor Sherman Hemsley is best known for his role on sitcom The Jefferson's. He died in 2012, and there is no evidence that suggests he was ever arrested.
Sherman Hemsley never came out as gay.
Gay A. Sherman has written: 'Cyberstretch' -- subject(s): Computer network resources, Directories, Education, Internet in education
No! He is my godfather and he is not interested in a relationship at all. True, not a relationship with a female.
Because he never married.
Pamela Hensley's birth name is Pamela Gail Hensley.
Roy Hensley's birth name is Roy Merlin Hensley.
Shuler Hensley's birth name is Shuler Paul Hensley.
yes Justin Bieber is related to a hensley he is related to Robbert Hensley :)