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In the end we discover that Severus Snape is a good guy who is working along side the Order of the Phoneix.

For the most part of the Harry Potter series, Snape is seen as a horrible man who hates Harry only because of an old grudge with Harry's father and two of his father's friends and because Severus loved only one woman in his life, Lily Evans, who was Harry's mother. Everytime he saw Harry it was a reminder that he lost out because of a silly mistake and now the woman he loved was dead.

Snape and Lily met when they were children and were best friends until their years at Hogwarts, when they were separated into different Houses. Snape was already making Death Eater friends by the time he was in third year. This angered Lily because they were cruel to others, including her friends.

However Snape was also bullied and one day Lily stood up for him when James and Sirius were embarrassing him. Snape then shouted that he didn't need help from a mud-blood and Lily never spoke to him again.

When Harry came to Hogwarts, Snape immediately did not like him due to the memories he had of James tormenting him because Harry looks just like his father. However Snape ad promised Dumbledore he would help protect the child of someone he loved - he just didn't have to show he was doing it or like what he was doing.

Harry's thoughts on Snape become very confused during his years at Hogwarts. Snape was always unmerciful and cruel towards Harry, but then again Snape had saved Harry once from falling from his broom at a Quidditch match. It is discovered that Snape was playing a double agent role between the sides of Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, although until the seventh book, no one truly knows what side he is on.

Snape passed information from the Order onto the Death Eaters but only information which Dumbledore told him to pass on. Snape was truly on the side of the Order but pretended that he was a Death Eater to find out information which he then passed onto the Order - of course to be acquainted with Dumbledore and not arouse suspicion he had to pretend to the Death Eaters that he was spying on the Order for them.

He was told by Dumbledore to kill him so that the Elder Wand wouldn't belong to anybody. However, Voldemort thinks Snape owns it and so kills him to become the true master. Snape gives Harry his memories explaining the missing parts of the story and then tells Harry to look into his eyes so that the last thing he saw before he died was Lily Evans eyes.

Later in life Harry named one of his children Albus Severus after the two bravest people he ever knew.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I have to say, despite all the mean things hes done to Harry, and killing Dumbledore, he is a good guy. Dumbledore was going to die anyways revealed in the Deathly Hollows, and decided to trick voldemort, that snape was on voldemort's side, so that he could save Harry. Snape was also trying to protect Harry, and by tricking Voldemort into being on his side, he made it easier to kill, but hasn't been revealed yet, as part 2 of The deathly hollows is being casted. Also, he made some good spells, and potions, and so he helped, and revealed himself as the Half-blood prince.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

no he is good but dumbledore tells him to act as if he is in voldermorts side so he can be a spy
he is a bit of both. he killed dumbeldore under voldemort's orders,but,because dulmbeldore told him to.and he protected harry,Ron,and Hermione from being killed.and was killed by voldemort knowing if he did so voldemort would kill him. so he is good and bad,but mostly good.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

While he's not a very nice guy, he is really on the good side.

When Severus Snape left school he joined the Death Eaters until 1980 when he discovered that Lily (Evans) Potter the only woman he ever loved was going to be murdered by Lord Voldemort. He then asked Albus Dumbledore for her protection and in return promised to join the Order of the Phoenix.

Snape pretends to be a Death Eater who is spying on the Order. In reality, he is a member of the Order spying on the Death Eaters. The only information he shares with the Death Eaters is selected by Voldemort.

He is a mentor for Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. At the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, it appears that Snape is on the bad side with Voldemort because he "kills" Dumbledore so that Malfoy won't have to split his soul by killing Dumbledore himself.

When in reality, the death was planned by Dumbledore himself. When Dumbledore was looking for another Horcrux, his hand was injured so badly that it was lethal. Therefore, he asked for Snape to kill him to appear as though Snape was helping Malfoy and to prove he was on Voldemort's side.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Severus Snape joined the death eaters during the first wizading war. In early 1980, Snape was spying on Albus Dumbledore and overheard part of a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney. The section that he overheard stated that the person with the power to vanquish the dark lord would be born at the end of July to parents who had thrice defied Voldemort. He missed the part that said the dark lord would mark that person as his equal.

Snape immediately reported this back to Lord Voldemort who ruled the possible people down to Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter - with Voldemort choosing to target the Potter's. Once Snape learned this, he contacted Albus Dumbledore, telling him the information and begging him to protect Lily Potter, Snape's childhood friend and true love.

Dumbledore agreed to protect the Potter's on the condition that Snape would join the Order of the Phoenix. He was to tell Voldemort that he was joining the Order and taking up the position of Potions master at Hogwarts so he could continue to spy on Dumbledore. This allowed Dumbledore to control the information the death eaters received while getting all of Voldemort's plans. Meanwhile, Snape begged Lord Voldemort to spare Lily's life - which is the reason she had the chance to stand aside.

Snape agreed to do this to ensure that Lily's life would be saved. After Lily's death, he choose to continue with his double life. Dumbledore also tasked him with keeping Harry alive - a task Snape did not enjoy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Well, that's the question, isn't it? You don't find out until the last book/film, in which it's revealed that (SPOILER ALERT) he's a double agent working for the good side.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


Actually, he secretly worked for Dumbledore, but he still was not 'good', in any sense of the word.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, so Dumbledore was right about him all along.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

He was Dumbledore's spy, he protected Harry and was very good at pretending to be a Death Eater - he managed to become Voldemort's right hand man

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes Snape was one of the good guys.

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Is snape real?

No. Severus Snape is a fictional character.

What does Severus Snape teach in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Severus Snape teaches Potions class.

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No. Lord Voldemort killed Severus Snape's true love.

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