Tanned - White well if you want to give it a name 'american tan'. I would say normal. But since she avoids the sun, it got paler.
yes 10 times hotter miley is a Has bin Selena is the new now Selena is better and prettier. Selena is 10 times better than miley Selena is the new hottest girl now. duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she is so hot!
Her skin colour is brown but she is a light skinned black lady.
Chris Brown has brown skin.
it is Mexican white
you can't get her skin color unless you were born Hispanic like her
Shiny charizard is black with shiny skin.
olive rich shiny skin
well yes they do look alike because they both have the same skin color they have the same hair color have the same cheecks and almost have the same smile they would pass for sisters
Yes she was MUCH MUCH tanner when she was younger, i dont know why her skin in pale now.
It is a bit orange or darkened skin colour.
His skin is the normal yellow, but the shell light blue and white, not red and white.
Atrophic skin is shiny.
Pomegranates are ripe when the skin is a crimson color, the fruit should feel heavy, and the skin should be shiny - avoid fruit with cracks and splits in the skin.
His skin is light gray instead of light purple, and his tail is light, metallic green instead of purple. :)
No. We don't actually have (at least officially) the technology to clone anyone. Also, it would be easier to do so from skin, as opposed to a strand of hair.