my wife is a Wilder her grandfather said that if you are Jewish and a Wilder you may well be related to other Jewish Wilders. My wife has Billy Wilder mentioned in her family tree as being related.
No, they are not related.
Gene Wilder was born June 11, 1933. He was 38 years-old in 1971. If what you're asking is how old he was during the filming of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, however, this is not correct. He was actually 37 at that time, as Willy Wonkafilmed in the fall of 1970.
Debbie Wilcox? No. Sandra Wilder
No he did not. Gene Tierney (who was actually a woman, believe it or not!) and Gene Andrusco did, though, so perhaps you confused him with one of them. :)
No, they are not related.
No, Thornton Wilder and Gene Wilder are not related. Thornton Wilder was an American playwright and novelist, known for works like "Our Town" and "The Skin of Our Teeth," while Gene Wilder was an American actor known for his roles in films such as "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" and "Young Frankenstein."
Gene Wilder Gene Wilder
No, TJ Thyne is not related to Gene Wilder. TJ Thyne is an American actor known for his role in the TV show "Bones," while Gene Wilder was a legendary American actor known for his roles in classic films such as "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" and "Young Frankenstein." There is no known familial relationship between the two actors.
Gene Wilder was born on June 11, 1933.
Gene Wilder. :) His BIRTH name, however, was Jerome (Jerry) Silberman.
It's Gene Wilder, who sang it in the 1971 version of "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory".
Gene Wilder was born Jerome Silberman in Milwaukee Wisconsin on June 11th, 1933.
No he was not.
No, Thornton Wilder and Laura Ingalls Wilder are not related. They were both influential American writers of their time, but they did not share a familial connection. Thornton Wilder is best known for his play "Our Town," while Laura Ingalls Wilder is best known for her "Little House" book series.
Yes he is! Jerome Silberman (he changed his name to Gene Wilder when he was 26) was born in Milwaukee on June 11, 1933.