That is a down right lie. If they will never go out, why have they been married for a week and a half now? Seriously don/'t you ever read the magazines?
kristen had an affair with the twilight director,who was married with kids and robert found out. but kristen realised she made a big mistake and went back to robert he accepted her but he really couldnt trust no more so he ended it and now they have gone there separete ways !
== == Robert Pattinson was dating Lauren Rodia but then in Twilight, he was dating Kristen Stewart (Bella) on and off. Then, in a maganize, Robert finally confirmed it. I think that it is good when a celebrity just goes straight out and forward with a person. I hate when people make up lies.
No its not true, they are not going to be there.
Robert Adamson is dating a girl that he grew up with, her name is Marie Casta. they have been going out for five years now.
i think marked is on of the best books so i gave it 5 stars.if you like marked read the rest of the books.hope this helps
Well, there a few pictures of them holding hands. But everytime they're questioned about it, they deny
there are rumors that Robert pattenson is going to be fang
There are pretty strong rumors that he has something going on with Nikkie Reed.
they were but stoped ween Robert asted Kristen to marry him.
i heard she was going with Robert pattinson.
Neither really Robert and her are going through some things after kristen Stewart addmiting to Robert pattison that she is having an affair
no Robert pattinson and Kristen Stewart aren't married but there are only rumours going around saying that they are engaged No Robert and Kristen are not married yes
He already is.
robert pattison
Robert did ask Kristen but as a joke he has asked her about ten times and is going to ask on her birthday