According to Rob himself...while he was on the set of "Little Ashes", the Salvador Dali movie, there was an attempted love scene between his character(Dali) and Jarvier Bertan's(Lorca). It was very hard for him because, first, it wasn't a closed set (there was a lot of snickering going on), and "neither him, nor Bertran is gay".
You can hear it yourself on YouTube. Look for the 'Little Ashes' interview.
The movie was actually pretty realistic for the time period, and while there is no evidence that Dali was gay, the movie is loosely based on the works of Garcia Lorca.
NOT RECOMMENDED for children under 17. They wouldn't understand it, and it might confuse them. Pattinson does not resemble the vampire Edward Cullen of "Twilight" fame, in any way, shape, or form.
I think his feet size is ((40 )) .... TRUST ME WITH THAT ... LOL ;)
He was never bald but i guess he was when he was born he was bald.
No, Jackson Rathbone is not bald.
yes bald as a coot
He is dead so he is neither bald or with hair.
Robert patinson is way better than Taylor launter
Yes Christina Rodriduez is long distints sister with Robert Patinson.
It depends who you are if you like him just for the fame ,fortune, and his looks. You would not be a perfect couple with Robert Patinson.
yes '
no he is not
Ask him.
i have no idea if he drinks. but he probably does
Robert pattinson admitted his celebrity crush is KRISTAN STEWART!!!!