Yes, Phillip Fenty is the father of Adrian Fenty, Mayor of D.C.
Phillip Fenty was born on August 13, 1939.
No. Rihanna's last name is Fenty. Her father's name is Ronald Fenty, a warehouse supervisor for a garment factory.
Rihanna's father sells clothes from his car trunk. Rihanna's mother was an accountant.
Rihanna's full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, so her last name is Fenty.
robyn fenty's nickname is rihanna! ­
Adrian Fenty was born on December 6, 1970.
Adrian Fenty was born on December 6, 1970.
Phillip Fenty was born on August 13, 1939.
Adrian M. Fenty
Adrian Fenty is 40 years old (birthdate: December 6, 1970).
I was wondering the same thing. "Fenty" is a name that I definitely identify with Barbados.
Adrian Fenty since 2007.
Monica Fenty And Ronald Fenty.
The mayor of Washington DC is Adrian Fenty.
Ronald Fenty
Ronald Fenty
Rihanna's mother is Monica Braithwaite and her father is Ronald Fenty.