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Q: Is Nicky Cruz married to the same Gloria Cruz that is a real estate agent?
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Who is married to joey mcintyre of the new kids?

He is married to Barrett Williams. She was his real estate agent and they have a son...Girffin Thomas.

What are difference between an estate agent and an auctioneer?

An estate agent is an agent who is in control or charge or the estate. The auctioneer is the one who is going to get the most money they can from the estate and property.

When was Northwood - estate agent - created?

Northwood - estate agent - was created in 1995.

Who is Greg leakes?

Greg Leakes is a successful real estate agent who was married to NeNe Leakes, from Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Who is Steve Holy's wife?

Steve Holy is married to his wife, Amanda Gullickson. They have been married since 2007. Amanda works as a real estate agent.

What effect does the Real Estate Code of Conduct have on your own operations as an Estate Agent?

The effect of the Real Estate Code of Conduct on your own operations as a Real Estate Agent.

What is the yearly salary for a real estate agent?

The avreage salary of a real estate agent is about 62,595 dollars

How is a real estate broker different from a real estate agent in California?

A real estate "agent" is licensed to practice real estate, but only under the direct supervision of a broker. Without a broker to oversee their activities and take responsibility for their actions a real estate agent is not allowed to practice. There is a trick of language here though, and it has to do with Agency Law. By law, an agent is a person who acts on behalf of someone else. A real estate broker is also called a real estate agent. This is because they are acting as an agent for the buyer or seller in a transaction. So the broker has the legal title of "broker" generally and the title of agent in relation to his or her client. A real estate agent working under a broker is an agent only to the broker, the broker is agent to the client.

What are the duties of a commercial real estate agent?

The duties of a commercial real estate agent are similar to those of a residential real estate agent. For example, listing the property and showing the property to potential buyers.

Give a name of a job agent?

secret agent, travel agent, real estate agent

Who is Laura Linneys husband?

Laura Linney's husband is Marc Schauer, a real estate agent. They got married in 2009 and have one son together.

What makes a real estate broker different from a real estate agent?

Real estate broker & Real estate agent are same both of them will do the same job.Answer:Real Estate Brokers required to have more experience and education, than agents. And also a real estate agent may be a person who works under a registered broker.