Well I am a expert in this situation and in my professional Mathematical equation that I invented I think Caitlin is madly in love with Nick and I think they should just get together! P.S. Caitlin also needs to admit she's madly in love with Peyton Reynolds! P.S.S. Dakota Johnson wrote this.
Everyone is in LOVE with her
if she is a girl than no
i love bad kitty!!!!
She is friends with the Jonas Brothers, but is not a fan of their music.
Love in the Nick of Time
no i he is in love with a brazillian model named misha and ive checked all information misha jai berry is not real
Caitlin is Canadian. Love. Love. Love.
he was five i remember it like it was yesterday or maybe the day before i loved it when the funkle berry rang thnx i love you
Any Love Berry Black Love Berry Red Love Berry
black love berry+red love berry+any love berry i think
Love Berry ended in 2012.
to get liberty you will need a red love berry,a black love berry and any love berry
black love berry, any colour love berry and red love berry
red love berry, black love berry and any love berry
you plant a love berry
Love's Berries was created in 1926.