Let's review some facts:
So yeah, I'd say Goku will kick Naruto's blond behind.
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?
ha! naruto
well after naruto defeated pain zetzu said that naruto was probably now stronger than sauske. added with his control of the 9-tials, naruto is probably stronger or at the same level as sauske
SSJ Gotenks (Pre Rosat) > SSJ3 Goku why? Base Gotenks (Pre Rosat) vs Fat Buu is the same like what the Majin Vegeta Fightso i'm give Base Gotenks = SSJ2 Majin Vegetaand Goku even say to Piccolo Gotenks will be stronger than himself lol even Base Gotenks (Post Rosat) > SSJ Gotenks (Pre Rosat) > SSJ3 Goku
Goku is massivly stronger than naruto. He blows up planets.
naruto is stronger even as kid This is a lie Goku got shot in the head at 6 yrs old and killed a 10 feet fish too there is no way naruto can do that
For now there is. Sasuke, Ichigo, Luffy, and all Goku.
no no no piccolo is not stronger than goku
No. Goku is the strongest.
Goku. Obviuosly. He is a massively hypersonic planetbuster.
Seems beerus is stronger than goku.
Well goku is the ultimate super sain so goku is stronger
i think goku is stronger than gohan
Yes Spawn stronger than Goku Because his demonic demon god and Omega spawn and goku Super Saiyan 3 and 4 weaker than spawn Spawn more powerful than Goku Goku loses Spawn will Kill Goku He Is way stronger than Goku Goku no match of Spawn
Goku is stronger in fight than yami but yami is stronger in dueling.