Yes he is (aka) he is alive alive alive
Gussie Moran was born on September 8, 1923, in Santa Monica, California, USA.
Monica Lewinsky is still alive and doing well in 2014. She recently wrote a piece about her affair with Bill Clinton.
Monica (Monica Denise Arnold) is still alive and currently working on a new album, and will have a starring role in an upcoming TV series that is now in production.
Yes. She is now 83 years old, retired, and lives in Santa Monica, California.
As of Dec. 10, 2011, she is alive & well and still living in Woodside, CA.
As of this writing, she is still alive and a HIX activist. She does speaking engagements. You can find more info on the link below.
no she did'nt died, she is alive No, but she almost did when she heard what Monica done to Bill!
Monica Still Standing - 2009 The Single Monica 1-13 was released on: USA: 26 January 2010
still alive still alive still alive
YES! well and alive