Currently it isn't confirmed that she'll release an album under that name, but Party In The USA, which leaked, is on The Time Of Our Lives EP.
Breakout - Miley Cyrus album - was created on 2008-07-22.
the album meet Miley Cyrus came out in February the 20th 2009.
Miley Cyrus has 4 albums they are the oirginal Hannah Montana CD, her Hannah Montana 2/ meet Miley Cyrus CD her dance party album and her best of both worlds concert album
Miley released her first album in 2006.
where you can go to go get the Miley Cyrus CD: .target .wal mart those are the most places where u can get the Miley Cyrus CD.
Miley's first album is called Meet Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus list of album is: 1.Meet Miley Cyrus 2.Breakout=Miley doesn't have a 3rd album but she is planning to do.=
Meet Miley Cyrus
Breakout - Miley Cyrus album - was created on 2008-07-22.
the album meet Miley Cyrus came out in February the 20th 2009.
Miley Cyrus's was 'Meet Miley Cyrus', but Hannah Montana's was just called 'Hannah Montana soundtrack'
Her first album was Meet Miley Cyrus yet it was also combined with a Hannah Montana album. Her first solo album was "Breakout."
Meet Miley Cyrus.
Meet Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus (as herself) didn't come out with an album until 'Breakout'She did have her album 'hannah montana 2/ meet miley cyrus', if you want to count that.
Dream by Miley Cyrus is on the Hannah Montana: The Movie soundtrack.