christopher,andrea,and sonja are perfectly straight... all the rest are bisexual
No, he is not gay.
Michael Gay does not play in the Deer Hunter.
Yes, nobody is more gay then Michael Mossington
Michael jeter was gay on records (sean blue) was on there as a (spouse)
christopher,andrea,and sonja are perfectly straight... all the rest are bisexual
Jimmy Choo and Ralph Lauren are straight. But there are many that are the opposite: Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Alexander Wang, etc. are not.
I don't know, but he is gorgeous and sexy and ...
No, he is not gay.
Michael Gay does not play in the Deer Hunter.
Yes, nobody is more gay then Michael Mossington
Michael jeter was gay on records (sean blue) was on there as a (spouse)
yes, they are all gay
The character, Albus Dumbledore, in "Harry Potter" is gay. The actor, Michael Gambon, is not.
Michael gordon is gay because he sucks small chinese hot dogs
Νο,Michael was straight.*