No, Michael Weatherly is currently 43 years old (birthdate: July 8, 1968).
John Michael Weatherly goes by Goes by "Michael".
is micheal weatherle related to shawn weatherly
John Michael Weatherly was born on July 2, 1980, in Mobile, Alabama, USA.
John Michael Weatherly is 6'.
John Michael Weatherly goes by Goes by "Michael".
Michael Weatherly was born on July 8, 1968.
Michael Weatherly was born on July 8, 1968.
is micheal weatherle related to shawn weatherly
Michael Weatherly plays Special Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo in NCIS.
John Michael Weatherly was born on July 2, 1980, in Mobile, Alabama, USA.
No. Michael Weatherly is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church).
Michael Weatherly is currently married to Bojana Jankovic as of 2009 and they're still married as of 2011.
Michael Weatherly is currently married to "Bojana Jankovic" :) They met in Vancouver in 2007 (around there) and got married in September 2010 :)