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Q: Is Michael Nouri an actor on All your children?
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Who plays Caleb on all your children?

Michael Nouri plays Caleb.

Who is the actor in the Cymbalta commercial?

Michael Lowry from All My Children

What actor was in all three of these movies movies Alien terminator?

Michael Biehn.

Who is the curly haired actor in the new Cymbalta commercial?

It is Michael Lowry who played Dr. Jake Martin on All My Children. After several hours of research I asked my Facebook friends and someone out there figured it out!

Where is actor who played Zack Slater on All your Children?

Thorsten Kaye

Who is the actor who played Travis Montgomery on all your children?

His name was Larkin Malloy

Is Michael Lorenzo Urie gay?

as far as i am concerned actor Michael Delorenzo is all man,a very talented actor and handsome. people kill me always trying to label someone, going by rumors and do not even know the man. QUIT HATING and get you some business! Jean

Did Michael oher get paid for blind side?

The real Michael Oher was not in The Blind Side, a hired actor was. Michael Oher gets paid to be a football player. The actor was paid to be in The Blind Side because, all actors are paid to be in any movie based on a real story or not.

What did Michael Jackson's trademark armband symbolize?

All the children suffering around the world.

Who did Michael Jackson love?

his children, his fans,friends and family...lets not forget all the children of the world.

Who is worlds best Batman actor?

Adam West, Michael Keaton, Christian Bale are all good Batman actors, but the best VOICE actor for Batman is Kevin Conroy.

Do any of the Jackson brothers have children?

Yes, Jermaine, Tito, Jackie, Marlon, Michael and Randy all have children.