Is they dating, probably not, ARE they, maybe.. Although it is unlikly seeing as he has been seeing a girl named Chani... I don't know but if I was him and datingmy on-screen sister i'd feel kinda awkward
Raymond Ablack was previously dating a girl named Chani. It is not known if they are still dating. Raymond is an actor who appeared in Degrassi.
Melinda Shankar from the hit teen show Degrassi is currently dating actor Daniel Kelly. She's also known to have dated Munro Chambers.
John is not married is dating Mickie James
Rumor has it that Tough As Nails Stumpo is dating a man from her past. As I have done my research on this topic. RAYMOND FORSTER. Sources say he is in financing. Thank god she has kicked Mike Holmes to the curb.
Melinda Shankar and Raymond Ablack are not engaged. They were previously dating, but they are currently not in a relationship right now.
They have never dated, she is young and he is to old for her. Plus, there is no evidence to support that they have been dating.
im not sure... i heard they were... but i did not even know they were dating... kinda weird since they play brother sister on screen but what the hey.... why not its not like they are real siblings in real life
Raymond Ablack was previously dating a girl named Chani. It is not known if they are still dating. Raymond is an actor who appeared in Degrassi.
Melinda Shankar from the hit teen show Degrassi is currently dating actor Daniel Kelly. She's also known to have dated Munro Chambers.
Of course they hv been for 3 years
no she is not she did at one point but not right now...did you know that Raymond Ablack (Sav) apparently dated his co star Melinda Shankir who plays his sister and now he is dating the Jessica Tyler, the girl that plays Jenna
Actually Melinda Shankar is dating Daniel Kelly who is also an actor on Degrassi.
Sam earle and Chloe rose Melinda shankar and Daniel Kelly Justin Kelly and Samii Folliot Actually Sam Earle (HAWT) and Chloe Rose aren't dating check this page out for the real answer, and a very funny statement from him :)!/Smearle_RH/status/108769242928779264
yes Melina is dating batista