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Q: Is Mark Simone a closet queen?
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Related questions

What is a closet queen?

A closet queen is usually a gay male who has not "come out" to his friends/family about his sexuality.

Is mark simone married?

He is not married.

How old is mark simone?

Mark was born Sept 15th, 1963.

When and Where was Mark Simone of WABC radio born?

It is not known where Mark Simone was born. Mark Simone is a radio personality and he hosts a radio show on WOR.

Has mark simone ever dated?

Yes..and he was always a gentleman.

What female black singer sang on Mark Simone radio show?

Mark Simone has said that Ella Fitzgerald was his favorite female singer. Perhaps it was an Ella recording you heard?

Is Mark Simone American Indian?

I don't think he is American Indian.

What happened to MARK MILLER from sawyer brown?

he came out of the closet

Is Mark Simone an Armenian?

I believe he is half Armenian and possibly half Italian.

Who is prom king and queen in Disney movie prom?

The guy who was dating Simone and was cheating on that other girl. And that other girl was the prom queen

Why is the Virgin Mary's crown in Simone Martini's Maestrá significant?

It establishes her as both a sacred and a secular queen

Where did Henry VIII marry Catherine Parr?

They married in the Queen's closet at Hampton Court Palace.