I heard from one of my FOAF, that he is a gay, he often dates guys from beach, his handsome driver helps him, and Prasanth seems to be a versatile
No, he is not ticklish.
dileep and prithviraj
he is married to Supriya Menon.
just rumour
Prithviraj SukumaranPrithviraj Sukumaran (born 16 October 1982 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala) creditedmononymously as Prithviraj, is an Indian film actor and producer best known for his work inMalayalam cinema.
no he is not.
No he is not. He has a beautiful girl friend. And they are married now.
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Saikumar - Malayalam actor - was born in 1963.
Mammootty is the only best actor in Malayalam film industry.................................