That's an odd question. Not in the movies, at any rate. I mean, he does die, but it's like in a book or something. Not in a movie. And to the best of my knowledge, Mark Hamill is still alive. He's the actor who played Luke, if you're wondering.
Luke Skywalker does die sometime after Return of the Jedi. As for when he died, how old he was, and how he died, I don't know just yet.
He dies sometime before 135 ABY (He appears as a force ghost in a comic book set in that era.)
Luke Skywalker was a fictional character in Star Wars, played by actor, Mark Hamill - Mark is still alive.
Daredevils - 2009 The Sky Walker 1-3 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M
Luke Skywalker didn't cut open anything. His half-dead body was shoved into a Tauntaun that Han Solo cut open using Luke's lightsaber on planet Hoth.
Pj McDonnell has: Played Walker in "The Walking Dead" in 2010. Played Gate Crasher Walker in "The Walking Dead" in 2010. Played Derik Smith (2013) in "Life with Hope" in 2012. Played Lester in "Hell Hole" in 2013. Played Walter in "Dead Inn: A Short Film" in 2013.
He gets a new padawan in the clone wars movie
They thought the beast was the thing that fell from the sky referring to the parachutist who was dead when landed on the top of the mountain.
Yes, he died in the newly released film, The Last Jedi.
No, Kylo Ren is Han Solo's and princess Leia's son. Not Luke Sky Walker.
no he was poor
Their not! They both were raised by relatives, not their parents.
The dark side completing his training
In the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine
Luke Skywalker didn't kill Jabba. It was Princess Leia who killed him. She actually choked him to death with the slave collar chain she was wearing.
When the storm troopers kill his family. From there, Luke has nowhere to go, but tag along with Ben.
Luke Walker was born on 1943-09-02.
The Sky Walker was created in 1939.
i got book worm at level 15 friend me Luke sky walker level 19 another 2000 xp