No, they are not.
Also, Lori's last name has a different spelling, it's Loughlin.
US actor Tom Laughlin ("Billy Jack") was 82 years old when he died on December 12, 2013. (born August 10, 1931).
Are they related
5 foot 3, 700 pounds
Yes he is her nephew!!
Tom Laughlin was born on 1931-08-10.
Did he serve in the
26 times
Lori Petty, who most recently guest starred on HBO's "Orange Is the New Black" in 2014 is not married and never has been married.
5feet 8inches
Tom Laughlin did know martial arts and was trained in Hapkido karate by karate master Bong Soo Han. Laughlin was mostly known for his Billy Jack films.
I'm pretty sure it was the series summerland?
US actor Tom Laughlin ("Billy Jack") was 82 years old when he died on December 12, 2013. (born August 10, 1931).
Tom Laughlin is not a Native American, or at least he does not claim to be by any public method. His "Billy Jack" films were inspired by his observance of how Native American's were treated, and his casting strongly favors them for these films.
Are they related