No, he is not going to fix his teeth, he is happy with how they are.
Niels Bernhart is 174 cm.
Kurt Bristoll's birth name is Kurt Raymond Bristoll.
Kurt Levee's birth name is Christophe Kurt Levee.
Kurt Blasberg was born in 1890.
Kurt Crain died on 2012-04-10.
Kurt Nilsen's birth name is Kurt Erik Nilsen.
Kurt Nilsen was born on September 29, 1978.
Kurt Nilsen was born on September 29, 1978.
Kurt Nilsen is most famous for being a pop singer. Kurt Nilsen was born in September of 1978 in Bergen, Norway. Kurt Nilsen was the first winner of the Norwegian version of Pop Idol.
Kurt Nilsen is 32 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1978).
No, he committed suicide April 5, 1994.
Knut Borglin went by Knut den Store, and Den Sjungande Tandlkaren.
I - Kurt Nilsen album - was created in 2003-09.
Niels Bernhart is 174 cm.
no wth?