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Im not that sure cause I usually pay more attention to his guitar playing!!
I think nick is a great singer, but I think Joe is the best!!
And Nick and Joe are hot!!
I agree that Joe is the best(-sigh-) and Kevin does have a good voice.
Well actually I'm not sure because he never in his whole career sang a verse or part in any of the songs that the brothers wrote.I have not ever heard him sing but what i think you should do if you wanna know if he can sing good is to ask that question on YouTube and type in "Kevin Jonas singing" or go to Yahoo and ask that question and maybe someone might answer it and add a little link for proof so that you can here him sing :) Thanks
He's got a great voice.
You can hear him in "Mandy"
When the lyrics are: Now it's been a few years
It looks like things have changed
Now she's mine and I want to say Thats JUST Kevin right there.
Then also in "Austraila"
When the chorus is repeated at the end
And Joe does the higher part after each line.
Kevin is singing the chorus normal.
Kevin sings back up. Nick and Joe say that Kevin holds the band together because he is lead guitar. If you listen at the end of most songs he will sing a word or two!
Yes! of corse he can if you look up "Left my Heart in Scandanavia" on you tube you will find it =]
Kevin has a very good voice. You can hear it in the episode Cold Shoulder from JONAS. An easy way to view the episode is by visiting they have all the episdoes uploaded.
Kevin Jonas has his own mini solo in the song Mandy
Kevin Jonas is the oldest Jonas Brothers He is also married and is kind of unattractive. And really wild.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas ll Joseph Adam Jonas ♫
Nicholas Jerry JonasJoseph Adam JonasPaul Kevin Jonas IIand their little brotherFranklin Nathaniel Jonas
Kevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas IIKevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas II