Kenny Dalglish is 67 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1951).
Assuming you mean Kenny LogginS ... he's been married (to women) twice, has five kids, and has never claimed to be or admitted to being gay. So probably not.
Because Kenny wanted kids and renee didn't.
no he is the coolest kid ever
Kenny Dalglish goes by King Kenny.
Kenny Dalglish's birth name is Kenneth Mathieson Dalglish.
Kenny Dalglish was born on March 4, 1951.
Kenny Dalglish was born on March 4, 1951.
Liverpool sacked Kenny Dalglish as manager in mid 2012.
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager was created in 1990.
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager happened in 1990.
Kenny Dalglish was the Captain for Liverpool FC between 1979 and 1979.
Kenny Dalglish is 67 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1951).
Kenny dalglish in 1990 Kenny dalglish in 1990
no he is a millionair