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The most likely answer is no. Even after running 122 episodes, not a single dubbing company has expressed an interest in translating the show into English. Not only that, but within the continuity of the series, Japanese culture is referenced so heavily that it's likely to make English viewers confused. Plus, the anime has several English misspellings and phrases in Italian that would make translation extremely difficult. If any company is going to be audacious enough to try it, it would most likely by FUNimation, but it's a stretch to assume that the dub will happen any time soon.

Edit: idk how to improve an answer so yeah i heard viz licensed it :D wikipedia said so atleast :P i hope so :D i think it might be on adultswim if it does get dubbed soon. because idk if kekkaishi or fma brotherhood ends anytime soon. i like em but id be happy to get rid of them for reborn :D hope this helps :D

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Q: Is Katekyo hitman reborn ever going to be dubbed into English?
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Try these sites: * * * (Usually SUBBED) * Or just search it online on google or yahoo. Hope that helps.

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There might be a new season of Katekyo Hitman Reborn in Spring 2011!

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