I believe it's Kari Byron from Mythbusters. Same voice according to my ears
According to her book (Crash Test Girl: An Unlikely Experiment in Using the Scientific Method to Answer Life's Toughest Questions), she has he belly button, and nipples 9as well as her ears)
Kari Lizer's birth name is Kari Suzanne Lizer.
Kari Dehlin's birth name is Kari Wencke Dehlin.
Kari Kropsu's birth name is Kari Jaakko Kropsu.
Kari Byron is a/an Television host
Yes, Kari Byron has 1 kids
Kari Byron
Kari Byron has 1 child
Kari Byron married to Paul Urich in 2006
Kari Byron was born on December 18, 1974.
Kari Byron was born on December 18, 1974.
Kari Byron was born on December 18, 1974.
Kari Byron married to Paul Urich in 2006
No, Kari Byron is not single.
Click on the link below for pictures of the Mythbuster's host Kari Byron: