Julia Werner is 5'2".
Julia Werner has an Android.
Julia Werner is 33 years old.
Julia Werner has hazel colored eyes.
Still alive, still not funny
Michael Werner is still alive.
Julia Werner is 5'2".
Julia Werner has an Android.
Yes, as of my last update, Julia Donaldson is alive.
Julia Werner is 33 years old.
Julia Werner has hazel colored eyes.
No, she died in 2004 at the age of 91.
No, Julia Alvarez is still alive and lives in Vermont with her companero, Bill Eichner.
Dorothy Cousins died in California on September 4, 2006.
As of my last update, Julia Donaldson is still alive. She was born on September 16, 1948.
Yes, he's alive and very well as you can see on websites and Youtube. Werner Erhard was born September 5, 1935.
Yes, her name was Julia Lennon (1914-1958). She was hit by a car driven by a new learning driver. The song "Julia" by The Beatles is about her.