No he isn't. But he did do a calendar photoshoot in which one of the photos, he dressed up as Finnick.
Joey Graceffa goes by Gandfather Joey, Joey, and Grandfather.
Joseph "Joey" Graceffa is 26 years old (birthdate May 16, 1991).
No. Finnick is 29 years old. He also is naked in half of the movie.
In the books, he does but there are rumours that he doesn't in mockingjay part 2
i think its blue
I really really like finnick. i have a crush on him ;)
It never says the name of the Odair baby.
The Capitol.
Joey Graceffa goes by Gandfather Joey, Joey, and Grandfather.
Joey Graceffa is an actor and popular YouTuber. Joey Graceffa's address is not known but he lives in Los Angeles, California.
Finnick Odair is the male victor from District 4, which specialises in fishing.
Finnick actually doesn't die in Catching Fire
No he is not
Joseph "Joey" Graceffa is 26 years old (birthdate May 16, 1991).
Finnick Odair
No. Finnick is 29 years old. He also is naked in half of the movie.
The good that is tarnished by an over powerful government.