Jeremy Suarez is 27 years old (birthdate: July 6, 1990).
Juan Suarez Botas was born in 1958.
Ray Suarez was born on March 5, 1957.
Ana Karla Suarez (of the Twitter handle, @Anakarlasuarez) comes from Cuba.
Luis Suarez is 24 years old (birthdate: January 24, 1987).
Luis Suarez was born in Salto, Uruguay.
luis suarez drives a bmw x6m
Yes. Luis Suarez who is a a Liverpool player does have a tattoo.
Luis Ruiz Suarez was born in 1913.
Not exactly, it is a fact evra did make up some of the stories.
javer herandez luis suarez
Luis Suarez was born August 24, 1916.
Luis Suarez died June 5, 1991.
Luis Suarez is a Roman catholic professional foot-baller
Luis Suarez is number seven for Liverpool FC.
Luis Suarez is a practicing Catholic.