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His Moveset is There #18

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Q: Is Jeff hardy in smackdown here comes the pain?
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Related questions

How do you unlock Jeff hardy on WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 PS2?

The best place to look, for CAWS, is They have a wide selection of CAWs and with great step by step guides.

Why Jeff hardy is not there in your here comes the pain game but swanton bomb is there?

The developers started to make Jeff Hardy but for some reason took him out of the game but left his swanton bomb in there

How can you download WWE SmackDown Here Comes the Pain?

Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain is not downloadable.

Where can you get downloadable free Jeff Hardy videos?

Here is to download Jeff hardy videos

Is there a way to unlock Bradshaw in smackdown here comes the pain?

No, Bradshaw is not unlockable on Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain.

Will Jeff hardy be in smackdown vs raw 2011?

probly not because I here that he failed the drug test before the cage mach so sthe cage mach was a way the wwe could hide that and show a cage mach awsoms JFF HRDY RCKS Jeff Hardy is not in SVR 2011.

Who hotter john cena or Jeff hardy?

bslab here saying that john ceana and Jeff hardy both are sexy but Jeff hardy is a little more sexier

How do you climb the fist on smackdown here comes the pain?

To climb the Smackdown! fist in Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain, press triangle near one of the cracks on the wall by the fist.

Can you Smackdown here comes the pain girl in season mode?

Yes, you can play as a diva or a created diva in Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain season mode.

How much could you get for smackdown here comes the pain smackdown vs raw 2008 and smackdown vs raw 2010 at gamestop?

At Gamestop, Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain is $4.99, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 is $9.99, and Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 is around $20, depending on the system.

Where can one find Jeff Hardy merchandise?

On TNA's website, they have a shop section. When you search through here, you can search specifically for Jeff Hardy memorabilia. They sell all sorts of Jeff Hardy products; shirts, wrist bands, photo's, and so on.

Smackdown here comes the pain on xbox?

Nope, Smackdown series is exclusive to Playstation. Sorry.