He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in Carrboro, North Carolina, where the family moved to when he was three years old.
James Taylor is 6'4".
James Taylor has 4 children
The most popular song with that title was recorded by Jimmy Jones, and later by James Taylor. Joan Jett and The Blackhearts also recorded a track with the same title, but this was a completely different song. Sadly, he died on August 2, 2012 in North Carolina.
James Hudson Taylor died on January 3, 1905
US singer James Taylor is 70 years old (birthdate: March 12, 1948).
Taylor when are you coming to North Carolina
James Stewart - North Carolina - died in 1821.
James Graham - North Carolina - was born in 1793.
James Graham - North Carolina - died in 1851.
James Cochran - North Carolina - died in 1813.
James Stewart - North Carolina - was born in 1775.
North Carolina was found in 1653 by king James the second
king James II founded North Carolina
Preforming In Charlotte, North Carolina!
the fields and creeks of North Carolina
James banks
James Taylor was a singer/musician who was born in Boston but grew up and developed his muscial style in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2000 for his musical work during the 1970s.