No, he's not. The former US wrestler (real name Aurelian Smith Jr.) turned 62 on May 30, 2017. He was featured in the "Where Are They Now" section of WWE magazine.
In the "Vs. Undertaker RTWM", do not take heavy damage to any limbs in Week 9 against Jake Roberts.
i have no idea but hes long gone now dude or dudette
Jake "The Snake" Roberts invented the DDT in a match by accident, he was holding an opponent in a front face lock and tripped on his opponent's foot and fell backwards.
The move was named by Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who accidentally invented the move in the 1980s. Rumors abound as to what the letters DDT supposedly stood for, including Drop Dead Twice, Demonic Death Trap "Death Drop Technique" and Damien's Dinner Time after Jake's pet python Damien. When asked what DDT meant, Jake once famously replied "The End." The abbreviation itself originally came from the chemical dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, a notorious pesticide, as stated during shoot interviews and on his "Pick Your Poison" DVD. Many think the term DDT was appropriated because the chemical DDT is something "bad" that is buried in the ground and causes extreme danger (and possible brain damage/birth defects) when there; similarly, a DDT is bad in that it buries an opponent's head into the mat, creating extreme danger to the brain and spinal cord.
Parnell Roberts died on January 24, 2010
He isn't dead
Jake "the snake" Roberts had a boa constictor.
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts was born on May 30, 1955.
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts was born on May 30, 1955.
There was only one Jake "The Snake", which was/is Jake Roberts.
Aurelian Smith, Jr. (US wrestler known as Jake Roberts or Jake "The Snake" Roberts) is 62 years old.(birthdate May 30, 1955)
Jake "The Snake" Roberts turned 54 on May 20/09.
Jake the snake Roberts.
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Pick Your Poison - 2005 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14
His finishing move was the DDT !
Aurelian Smith, Jr