yes-ish she is a authour but as famous as most celebrities but she is famous so in a way yes but in a way no
Well I have met Jacqueline Wilson many times and her favourite TV show now is Friends but I'm not sure about when she was a child I hope that helps you !!
There are several of Jacqueline Wilson's books that have turned into movies. Some include Cliffhanger, Double Act, The Story of Tracy Beaker, The Illustrated Mum, Best Friends, Girls in Love, and Dustbin Baby.
Jacqueline Henley's birth name is Jacqueline Dunnett Henley.
Jacqueline Boyer's birth name is Ducos, Jacqueline.
Jacqueline Roman's birth name is Jacqueline Claire Yacowlew.
Jacqueline Wilson became Dame Jacqueline Wilson in 2008
Jacqueline Wilson's a Christian.
Jacqueline Wilson is allergic to cats.
what is Jacqueline wilson's postcode.
Jacqueline Maddie Wilson
Jacqueline Wilson is very nice-I have met her.
Jacqueline Wilson's daughter is called Emma
Jacqueline Wilson is now 65
Jacqueline Wilson was born on December 17, 1945.
Jacqueline Wilson's daughter does not write books!
Jacqueline Wilson likes to line dance.
She married Miller Wilson, before that she was Jacqueline Aitken.