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Q: Is Jacob from twilight really navtive?
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How old is Jacob really?

The actor for Jacob in Twilight is Taylor Daniel Lautner, he is 17.

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How cute is Jacob Black from Twilight?

* Really sexy. * he is so cute

How hot is jacob from twilight?

It ur opinion but I think that he is really hot

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In twilight is Jacob bad or good?

Jacob is good in Twilight

Does Jacob Black from twilight like to be called Jake or Jacob or does it really matter?

I really think Jacobs better, but Bella calls him Jake which I hate. I think he really didn't care

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Where can i find twilight the book download for free ?? Yes he is .

Is Jacob from twilight Philippine?

No. No, Jacob is not.

What tribe does Jacob Black come from-Twilight?

No clan really.. he and his wolf kindof just stick to the Cullen clan.

How old is Jacob Black in Twilight?

In Twilight, he's 15. Then in New Moon and Eclipse he's 16. In Breaking Dawn, he's 17.

How did Jacob of twilight die in twilight breaking dawn part 2?

Jacob didn't die :/