Jackie Evancho goes by Jackie.
The singer Jackie Evancho's net worth is $2.5 million (US).
Jackie Evancho is in 7th grade if she skipped a grade then 8th grade or if she started school early.
No. She is an American of Ukrainian descent.
No. From what I hear, she is a mix of Ukrainian, Italian, and German.
Jackie Evancho goes by Jackie.
Jackie Evancho is a/an Singer
No, Jackie Evancho is not a Mormon, she is a Catholic.
Jackie Evancho's birth name is Jacqueline Marie Evancho.
Jackie Evancho was born on April 09, 2000
Jackie Evancho was born on April 9, 2000.
Jackie Evancho was born on April 9, 2000.
Jackie Evancho was born on April 09, 2000
Jackie Evancho is Catholic. (I know that because I go to Jackie's church, and I know her.)
The singer Jackie Evancho's net worth is $2.5 million (US).