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Not really he just did some bad things but he didnt kill alison

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Q: Is Ian bad in Pretty Little Liars?
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Who is Darren Wilden in Pretty Little Liars?

Darren Wilden is the detective who's inspecting Alison's murder. He went to Rosewood Day and had a bad reputation while he was there (beng the bad boy), was also friends with Jason Di Laurentis. He is revealed to have been part of Amish community.

What is Mona's real name from Pretty Little Liars?

Janel Parrish plays the part. The character of Mona Vanderwaal is Hanna's friend. Remember in the first episode, Hanna and a girl with black hair who used to be a nerd did a complete make-over? She and Hanna went "shopping" / stealing together. She has brownish hair.Mona is the best friend of Hanna on Pretty Little Liars. Or, if you are asking who plays her, it is Janel Parrish. She is also a "A" in the first 4 books. She also wants revenge on Spencer Aria Hanna and Emily because they treated her really bad when they were younger.****SPOILER ALERT****Mona is killed while trying to push Spencer off a cliff because Spencer knows she's AHanna's best friend. . .and the first A but then she gets killed.Mona was the first A. She is part of the A team.She is Emily Fields' girlfriend....Yes, they are lesbians.In the books Mona is A. Hopes this helps!The dorky girl they picked onMona in pretty little liars is played by Janel Parrish, she's also A!Mona is claimed to be a close friend of Hannas.

Is Toby bad in Pretty Little Liars?

Toby tells Alison that he has always hated her and her posse. Ali and the girls threw a stinkbomb/firework in Toby's garage, not knowing that Jenna was inside that garage, and ever since, he has wanted revenge on them

What are some good shows like the vampire diaries Smallville pretty little liars the secret life of the American teenager?

there are a lot of good shows out there, but most of them are really bad. i end to like most of abc family's series, which it sounds like you watch, but there are a few othres that arent as great, but they arent too bad: Degrassi, Victorious, Make it or break it (i dont like it at all, but you could see if you do)

What is the Braille in Pretty Little Liars episode 16?

#bad in braille # indicates numbers follow. thus, you would use the number versions of the letters b a and d. that makes it #214 I am not sure what that number could mean. but i also heard that if all of the characters where numbers there would be a # sign in front of all of them. if it only applies to the first one that follows, that makes it #2 A D - hi this is someone else and the person before put a HEEEUGE spoiler alert that ruined everything for me. i dont want that to happen to others!!!! so i took it away. I LOVE PLL!

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Who are the bad people in Pretty Little Liars?

the bad people is mona and toby they are A

Why does Toby kill himself in Pretty Little Liars?

He feels bad about molesting Jenna

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Losing Sorry about losing my temper, my bad

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Spencer isn't the bad one, she's the good one

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caleb - cute bad boy turned good... ish

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it's sorry about losing my temper my bad- a

How is Ian involved in Pretty Little Liars?

a lot of people think ian was with ali at the Hilton head. he was actually with Melissa, getting an abortion because she was pregnant. he was just a very nice person and he didnt kill ali and he isn't A. that is why Melissa really wants her second baby. the bad thing is tho, ian had an affair wtih Spencer.

Where did Alison go at the end of Pretty Little Liars?

Alison is A and she will go where all the bad people go ,,, TO HELL

Who kills Toby in Pretty Little Liars?

He commits suicide because he feels bad for what he did to Jenna (his step sister)

How do you get a message from A From Pretty Little Liars?

you can text the word "SECRETS" to 21534

What does Mona have to do with Alison in Pretty Little Liars?

Alison started calling her Loser Mona and Mona fired back in a bad way eventually.