No, Happy Gilmore is a righty.
Nick Jonas is a right handed and so is Joe and Kevin
Chole Moretz is right-handed.
Harry Styles is a catholic
Harry Styles is Christan.
Yes. Niall is a lefty.
righty lefty, lefty righty ooooooooooooooooo some are right hand others are left but we are all the same no matter how you treat us oooooooooooooooo righty lefty, lefty righty As we save the children we are helping all with painted hands we will help all! Lexie........................ Allie........................ the founders of this greatness! so raise your hands! whether your a righty or lefty righty lefty, lefty righty so raise your hands in the air for the righty lefty, lefty rightys!!!!!!!!!!!bum bum be dump booooo!!!!!!!!!!!
She is both a lefty and a righty.
she's a righty..and her sister a lefty
Lefty =>
His a righty