Manny Mota's birth name is Manuel Rafael Mota Geronimo.
Jose Mota's birth name is Jos Manuel Mota Matos.
Walquir Mota was born on 1967-08-18.
Ana Paula Mota was born on September 27, 1966, in Portugal.
Guillermo Souto's birth name is Guillermo Souto de Celis.
Guillermo Mota is 6' 6".
Manny Mota is 5' 11".
Manny Mota's birth name is Manuel Rafael Mota Geronimo.
Manny Mota was born on February 18, 1938.
Manny Mota was born on February 18, 1938.
Manny Mota is 73 years old (birthdate: February 18, 1938).
Guillermo Mota was born on July 25, 1973, in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic.
Manny Mota was born February 18, 1938, in Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, D.R..
In 2006, Guillermo Mota played in 34 games for the Cleveland Blues, batting in 2 of them. He had 0 at bats. In 2006, Guillermo Mota played in 18 games for the New York Mets, batting in all of them. He had 0 at bats.
Guillermo Mota is 6 feet 6 inches tall. He weighs 240 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Guillermo Mota was born July 25, 1973, in San Pedro de Macoris, San Pedro de Macoris, D.R..