Gary Glitter is alive because he is not sick and has not been punished to a death sentence.
No, Gary Busey is not dead. Despite experiencing a severe motorcycle accident in 1988 that resulted in a subdural hematoma and brain damage, he survived and continues to be an active actor in the entertainment industry
died this morning No one should say this unless it is true. It is not a joke. Gary Grimes wrote me a nice letter many years ago and I wish him truly good things.
Mad world - originally by Tears for Fears - but HBO version by Michael Andrews and Gary Jules
The population of Morre is 1,270.
The area of Morre is 5,270,000.0 square meters.
No. Gary is very much alive!
Gary barlow isn't dead.
that is not spanish
Rush morre
As of my last update, Gary Paulsen is alive, but please verify with the latest information sources.
alive of course
Gary Coleman is deceased. He passed away of a brain hemorrhage on May 28th, 2010.
He is very much alive and well.