HELL NO!!!! FREDDY CAN NEVER DIE! the actor that played him i think he did but FREDDY KRUEGER WILL LIVE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer B. by Falln.
Robert Englund, the original actor of Freddy Krueger is still alive. And no, I don't think Freddy will ever truly die :)
As far as I know, Freddy Kruger's full, given name is Fred Kruger.
Parents killed freddy kruger because he raped and killed some of their kids and they wanted revenge so they burned him up. Now it is his job to kill the children of the parents who killed freddy in the fire. Freddy Kruger can NEVER DIE because he is a type of demon with a spirit that can not be killed. So they made about 10 freddy kruger movies but he never ever died if you wanna know the truth. 😱😠😡 If you dont know who the real person who plays freddy kruger his name is Robert Edglund Bye Hope you learned something about him
This is a good question...Freddy was a child murderer who was burned alive in his house by parents who were sick of their kids being killed and nobody doing anything about it Im thinking freddy is older than Jason. I could be wrong.....on all this though haha
Freddy Kruger looks weird because he was burned alive. The scars on his face are burn scars caused by the mob of springwood which is why he continues to kill the chilldren there in their dreams.
No, Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre uses a chainsaw. Freddy Kruger from A Nightmare on Elm Street has a clawed glove.
As far as I know, Freddy Kruger's full, given name is Fred Kruger.
He is fictional.
Freddy Kruger is a fictional movie character. Since he is fictional he was never born and therefore can never die.
No. Certainly child serial killers exist & have existed but none were the basis for Freddy Kruger.
Freddy Kruger?
Our dear Freddy has four, for his right hand i think it is.
Nightmares from Freddy Kruger
The character?: No The Actor?: Maybe...
Freddy kruger
Parents killed freddy kruger because he raped and killed some of their kids and they wanted revenge so they burned him up. Now it is his job to kill the children of the parents who killed freddy in the fire. Freddy Kruger can NEVER DIE because he is a type of demon with a spirit that can not be killed. So they made about 10 freddy kruger movies but he never ever died if you wanna know the truth. 😱😠😡 If you dont know who the real person who plays freddy kruger his name is Robert Edglund Bye Hope you learned something about him
Parents killed freddy kruger because he raped and killed some of their kids and they wanted revenge so they burned him up. Now it is his job to kill the children of the parents who killed freddy in the fire. Freddy Kruger can NEVER DIE because he is a type of demon with a spirit that can not be killed. So they made about 10 freddy kruger movies but he never ever died if you wanna know the truth. 😱😠😡 If you dont know who the real person who plays freddy kruger his name is Robert Edglund Bye Hope you learned something about him