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Q: Is Emran Hashmi Bollywood actor Quran Hafiz?
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Is emraan hashmi quran hafiz?

yes he is a hafiz .

Is there any bollywood actor who is hafiz e quran?

Kader khan

What is the hafiz of the Qu'ran?

A hafiz (the keeper, keeping against forgetting) is a person who memorized all of the Holy Quran and could recite it from memory. There are little kids who are hafiz, this is because they started at an early age. The younger, the better.

Is some of the hafiz e Quran cram the QURAN?

Aaslam o alaikum job for quran 03217716007

How do you become a quran hafiz in the age of 40?

read it more

Who was the first hafiz of quran after Muhammad?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit

What basic things you need to become hafiz?

One who have to memorize the whole Quran

Who can use the title hafiz?

This term is used for someone who memorizes the whole Quran.

How many hafiz the holy quran in the world?

There few Hafiz e Quran in kargil ladakh...

What is the name of a person who memorizes the whole quran?

A person who has memorized the entire Qur'an is called "hafiz" which means "protector." The Qur'an is preserved both in writing and in the living memories of Muslims. A hafiz can only be certified by another hafiz.

How many Hafiz of holy Quran in ahmadi group?

"No proven record that Ahmadis are hafiz quran." There are hifz-e-Quran in Ahmadiyyat. Not sure about the number, but then again how many non-Ahmadi hifz are there? Although memorizing the Quran is a wonderful accomplishment, it is about acting on the principles laid therein that make it most beautiful. How many non-Ahmadis act on the principles towards their Ahmadi brethren?

Who is the first Hafiz of Islam?

The first Hafiz of the religion Islam is obviously the final prophet Muhammad PBUH upon which the Holy Quran was revealed itself. After him, some of the greatest companions and the generations to come followed.