Yes Emmy can be a short name for Emily I have a friend called Emily and I call her Emmy
Cousin Emmy's birth name is Carver, Cynthia May.
Emily Hache's birth name is Emily Gmerek.
Emily Jewel's birth name is Emelia Placak.
Yes Emily is a very pretty name everyone is like i want to name my kid Emily
Emily Blunt's birth name is Emily Olivia Leah Blunt.
Emmy Dougall's birth name is Emily Dougall.
Emmy Wehlen's birth name is Wehlen, Emily.
Emmy Em
Em or Emmy works, they both are really good.
No, the name Emmy is not found in either language:If it's a nickname for Emma, it comes from German.If it's a nickname for Emily, it comes in Latin.
Emily Jordan OsmentEmily Osment's middle name is Jordan. She loves her name soo much, but likes her friends to call her Emmy!
Emmy or Em.
Emily Kinney goes by Emmy.
Emily Hay goes by Emmy.
cupcakeEmily Osment's nicknames are Emmy,Em and Ems
Evelyn Ethel Ebony Emma Emily Ellie Emerald Emmy Emika
Emily Allyn Barth goes by Emmy.