I think Eminem tries to be unracist towards all. He sometimes says things in his raps (especially as Slim Shady) that he may not really mean.
Absolutely, Mark Wahlberg is Racist towards Asian People and and used Racist Epithets towards Black Kids on a Field Trip, and called a Asian Man a Gook.
i do not know if she is racist but it is said she has a thing against fat people and finds them offensive so she probably is a racist.
No, Eminem is not single.
7. Eminem - Stan (2000) Eminem - The Real Slim Shady (2000) Eminem - Lose Yourself (2002) Eminem - Without Me (2002) Eminem - Just Lose It (2004) Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers (2005) Akon ft. Eminem - Smack That (2006)
Marshal Bruce Mathers (Eminem)
thts how there born u racist
Yes Stormcloaks are racist towards everyone who is not from Skyrim.
No , because he hang with Hispanics like fat joe.
Depsite Rosie's allegations, Plan B AKA Den Drew is white. Not racist. Saying Plan B is racist is like saying Eminem is racist.
Basically, everyone is victim to racism. African Americans or 'blacks' are mostly the base that started racism. So, generally, they were victims of racism, yet it has slowly died down, moving the 'spotlight of racists' towards Hispanics/Asians. Now, I know that the two shouldn't be combined but still, after blacks had their share of racism, it moved towards them. Asians, however, are not as racist or end of racism as Hispanics. Technically Hispanics are more racist then being victims, so that is yet another mark on the racism pole. Nowadays, surprisingly, it is white people who are mostly at the end of racism. Probably, racism is starting from who the majority is and who the minority is, so the tides have turned. Whatever.
This is opinional. But some consider Eminem to be hateful. Eminem's song "Kim" was extremely hateful towards his ex-wife Kim. Eminem has been considered to be homophobic and therefore "hateful" towards gays. Eminem denied the claims saying the lyrics were mis-interpretted. Eminem has been hateful as to say towards other rappers in feuds, such as Ja Rule and Benzino.
Someone who is racist, whether it be towards their own race or any other is a racist or has a prejudice towards their own race. In Psychology, this kind of racism is called Internalized Racism.
Racist means discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Why do you think they were from homestead florida. Miami police like spitting at hispanics.
Racist means discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Absolutely, Mark Wahlberg is Racist towards Asian People and and used Racist Epithets towards Black Kids on a Field Trip, and called a Asian Man a Gook.
It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.