No, she is classed as victoriandustrial. However some people regard her as emo because of how emotional her music is.
Emilie Autumn's birth name is Emilie Autumn Liddell.
Emilie Autumn was born on September 22, 1979.
Emilie Autumn was born on September 22, 1979.
She has stated that her legal name is Emilie Autumn Liddell. This is not her birth name. (Liddell was her maternal grandmother's maiden name.)
Emilie Autumn is 31 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1979).
Her full legal name is Emilie Autumn Liddell.(Her birth name is Emily Autumn Fritzges. Liddell was her maternal grandmother's maiden name.)
Emilie Autumn used to cut herself but she hasn't said anything recent that says she does it today.
Fight Like a Girl - Emilie Autumn song - was created in 2011.
Emilie Autumn is said to be a Neo-victorian goth. This is what the style of clothing she wears is known as.
Chicago, Illinois
She's not married...