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Q: Is Ema Watson Married
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Ema Watson

I am a smart boy and i love ema Watson i love himself not his money is a true love if ema say me you die for me i do i try my best is a true love and can you send my messege to ema and can you make?

my name is Moaaz and i love Emw atson i love her a lot and if he say me that i die for her i do i love his self and her i love her and not his moeney please can you send my message to Ema Watson and can you make that i talk with ema Watson

What is Ema Watson's number?

Not to start an argument, but you sound desperate.

Does Ema Watson have any profile On Facebook?

Yes, Emma, does have an official Face book profile! Look for it!

When did Jude Watson married?

She married Emma Watson in 1111

Is there anybody that the Jonas brothers like?

Joe Jonas has a crush on Ema Watson also know as Herminie on Harry Potter

Who is Emma Watson married to?

She isn't married.

Who did Bubba Watson marry?

Yes, Bubba Watson married to Angie Watson in 2004

Who was Whitney Houston's brother-in-law Ray Watson married to?

Ray Watson is the brother of Patricia (Watson) Houston who is married to Whitney's brother Gary Houston. Billy Watson is also Patricia (Watson) Houston's brother. They are extended family by their sister being married to Gary Houston

What actors and actresses appeared in Ema - 2012?

The cast of Ema - 2012 includes: Adela Ampuero as Ema Paula Edwards as Ema Luz Prat as Ema Kinvara Reyes Bourke as Ema Patricia Wienecke as Ema

Did James Dewey Watson ever get married?

no James Watson is unmarried still