This movie is NOT based on a real story, and it is NOT real in any way shape or form.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is based on a true story.
Yes it was based on a true story
No, it is not based on a true story.
No its not based on a true story
Yes, it is.
The duration of Edge of Darkness is 3000.0 seconds.
Edge of Darkness was released on 01/29/2010.
The Production Budget for Edge of Darkness was $60,000,000.
Edge of Darkness - soundtrack - was created in 1985-11.
Edge of Darkness was created on 1985-11-04.
Darkness on the Edge of Town was created on 1978-06-02.
Edge of Darkness grossed $43,313,890 in the domestic market.
The Edge of Darkness TV series aired in 1985 and ended in the same year. It consisted of a total of six episodes.
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness was created on 2008-03-18.
Close. The Edge Of Night.
Yes, Mel Gibson did appear in Edge of Darkness. The film was released in 2010.He played the role of Craven.