Earl Weaver went by The Earl of Baltimore.
As of October, 2013, Gene "The Duke of Earl" Chandler, is still alive. His current age is 76, and he is still performing.
Gary Wright. More famous for Dream Weaver
Still alive, still not funny
Earl Weaver's birth name is Earl Sidney Weaver.
Earl Weaver went by The Earl of Baltimore.
Yes, James Earl Jones is still alive.
Earl Weaver
Earl Weaver was born on August 14, 1930.
Earl Weaver Baseball was created in 1987.
Earl Weaver Baseball happened in 1987.
Earl Weaver was born on August 14, 1930.
Earl Weaver was a manager for the Baltimore Orioles from the 1970's to the 90's.
Earl R. Weaver has written: 'Jewelers electroplating manual'