No. Albus Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris in the first two movies and by Michael Gambon from the third movie onwards.
Donald Sutherland wouldn't have qualified to play Dumbledore as J.K. Rowling stated that she only wanted a cast of British actors and Sutherland is Canadian.
No, Jackson Rathbone is not in the Harry Potter movies. One of J.K. Rowling's conditions for making the films was that unless the character is not from Britain, all actors in the Harry Potter movies must be British. Therefore Jackson Rathbone, who is American, could not be in the film.
The Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Answer (1): No, Harry Potter is not a prince but he is heir of gryffindor and magical heir of slytherin. Answer(2): (Spoiler alert!) The "prince" in Harry Potter 6 is equivalent to Severus Snape. Answer to answer (2) - in this Severus was half blood prince not prince.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
The Half Blood Prince in the Harry Potter book series is Professor Severus Snape. Snapes father was a muggle and his mother was a witch whose last name was Prince.
snape. his mothers maiden name was prince and he is halfblood. hence the halfblood prince.
he iin the entrance courtyard, ouside the entrance hall
It's called "ADVANCED POTION-MAKING By Tiberius Borage". However the Book shown in the Movie and the Book shown on the front of the "Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince" book, look slightly different.
They came from stinkin England -Future HalfBlood Prince
The Halfblood-Prince is bat-like, greasy-haired, hook-nosed and gittish.
they made 7 harry potter books: The Sorcerers stone, chamber of secrets, prisoner of azskaban, goblet of fire, order of the pheonix, halfblood prince, and the deathly hallows. they made 8 harry potter movies:The Sorcerers stone, chamber of secrets, prisoner of azskaban, goblet of fire, order of the pheonix, halfblood prince, deathly hallows part one, and deathly hallows part two.
The Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Wii remote and nunchuck both going left or right.
The filming is being done in Bjorli, Norway (winter scenes); Highlands and Sutherland, Scotland and Wiltshire, Surrey, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire and London, England.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Answer (1): No, Harry Potter is not a prince but he is heir of gryffindor and magical heir of slytherin. Answer(2): (Spoiler alert!) The "prince" in Harry Potter 6 is equivalent to Severus Snape. Answer to answer (2) - in this Severus was half blood prince not prince.