Daniel Craig is left handed i thing as in cowboys and aliens he wore the thing on his left hand possibly to make it more comfortable but he is right handed in James Bond but the reason for this that all bond previously have been righted . James bond can't go from right to left you can tell that James bond is right handed as the way he hold the gun but with cowboys and aliens there is only one so he can make the character left handed i hope that this has answered your question
Daniel Radcliff is right handed
was Daniel Hugh kelly left handed
Craig Anderson - left-handed pitcher - was born in 1980.
I think he is left handed. I want to be left handed so bad and I am getting better at it. I am so curious about who is and is not left handed so i look it up on google images. any left handers who want to help me improve my left handed writing email me at jujub61996@yahoo.com . NO CAPS thank you.
LEFT-HANDED! not right-handed!
left handed
He is right handed.
He's right handed
She is Right-Handed
she is left handed
right handed
What is Bethany Hamilton right handed or left-handed